πŸͺ™$JELB - Tokenomics

  • Liquidity Pool Locked

  • Minting Function Disabled

  • Token Symbol : $JELB

  • Token Total Supply : 1,000,000,000

  • Blockchains : Binance Smart Chain & Solana ( Bridge )

  • Liquidity Pool Providers : Pancakeswap & Raydium

  • Buy/Sell Fees : 0% - 0%

  • Token Total Supply Distribution

  1. Liquidity Pool : 105,000,000 $JELB ( 10.5 % )

  2. Giveaway : 15,000,000 $JELB ( 1,5 % )

  3. Airdrops : 85,000,000 $JELB ( 8.5 % )

  4. Staking : 595,000,000 $JELB ( 59,5 % )

  5. First Burn : 200,000,000 $JELB ( 20% )

  • $JELB Burning

  1. Public Burn Will Happen Every Month ( Meaning. A Burning Pool Will Be Released In Our Website Where All Buyers Can Contribute Some Of Their Tokens To Be Burned )

  2. We Will Only Burn 200,000,000 $JELB Tokens A Few Days After It Is Released. Then All The Burns Will Be Public From Our Buyers.

Last updated